
Freshpet Grain-Free Salmon & OwF Recipe with Spinach, Cranberries & Blueberries


2 in stock

SKU: 627975010386 Category:

Freshpet Grain-Free Salmon & Ocean Whitefish Recipe with Spinach, Cranberries & Blueberries is a thoughtfully crafted dog food that provides a balanced and nutritious meal for your furry friend. Made with omega-rich salmon, this recipe promotes healthy skin and coat. The addition of spinach and dark berries provides antioxidant support for overall well-being. Each meal is gently cooked and quickly chilled to preserve the essential nutrients found in the ingredients. This dog food is verified non-GMO and free of glutens, soy, fillers, meat meals, and by-product meat meals. Freshpet is committed to using responsibly sourced proteins and U.S. farm grown fruits and vegetables, ensuring high-quality and sustainable ingredients. Give your pet the same fresh and wholesome food choices as humans with Freshpet Grain-Free Salmon & Ocean Whitefish Recipe with Spinach, Cranberries & Blueberries.

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